Usage: normalform [options] PROJECT

Computes the normal form of a list of feasible points.

Input Files:
  PROJECT.mat         A matrix (optional if lattice basis is given).         A lattice basis (optional if matrix is given).
  PROJECT.gro         The Groebner basis of the lattice (needed).
  PROJECT.cost        The cost matrix (optional, default is degrevlex).
                      Ties are broken with degrevlex.
  PROJECT.feas        An list of integer feasible solutions (needed).
  PROJECT.sign        The sign constraints of the variables ('1' means
                      non-negative and '0' means a free variable).
                      It is optional, and the default is all non-negative.
Output Files:          The normal forms of the feasible solutions.

  -p, --precision=PREC       Select PREC as the integer arithmetic precision.
                             PREC is one of the following: `64' (default),
                             `32', and `arbitrary' (only `arb` is needed).
  -q, --quiet                Do not output anything to the screen.
  -h, --help                 Display this help and exit.