Usage: qsolve [options] PROJECT

Computes a generator description of a cone.

Input Files:
  PROJECT.mat         A matrix (compulsory).
  PROJECT.sign        The sign constraints of the variables ('1' means
                      non-negative, '0' means a free variable, and '2' means
                      both non-negative and non-positive).
                      It is optional, and the default is all free.
  PROJECT.rel         The relations on the matrix rows ('<','>','=').
                      It is optional and the default is all '='.
                      The mat must be given with this file.
Output Files:
  PROJECT.qhom        The homogeneous generators of the linear system.
  PROJECT.qfree       A basis for the linear subspace of the cone.
                      If this file does not exist then the linear subspace 
                      is trivial.

  -p, --precision=PREC       Select PREC as the integer arithmetic precision.
                             PREC is one of the following: `64' (default),
                             `32', and `arbitrary' (only `arb` is needed).
  -m, --mat                  Use the Matrix algorithm (default for 32 and 64).
  -s, --support              Use the Support algorithm (default for arbitrary).
  -o, --order=ORDERING       Set ORDERING as the ordering in which the columns
                             are chosen. The possible orderings are `maxinter',
                             `minindex', `maxcutoff' (default), and `mincutoff'.
  -f, --output-freq=n        Set the frequency of output (default is 1000).
  -q, --quiet                Do not output anything to the screen.
  -h, --help                 Display this help and exit.