Usage: zsolve [options] PROJECT

Solves linear inequality and equation systems over the integers.

Basic options:
 -p PREC, --precision=PREC  Use precision (32, 64, gmp). Default is 32 bit
 -m, --maxnorm              Write vectors with maximum norm to PROJECT.maxnorm
 -b [FREQ], --backup[=FREQ] Frequently backup status to PROJECT.backup
 -r, --resume               Resume from backup file PROJECT.backup
 -h, --help                 Display this help
 --version                  Display version information

Output options:
 -q, --quiet        Quiet mode
 -u, --update[=1]   Updated output on console (default)
 -uu, --update=2    More verbose updated output on console
 -v, --verbose[=1]  Output once every variable computation
 -vv, --verbose=2   Output once every norm sum computation
 -vvv, --verbose=3  Output once every norm computation

Logging options:
 -n, --log=0    Disable logging (default)
 -l, --log[=1]  Log once every variable computation to PROJECT.log
 -ll, --log=2   Log once every norm sum computation to PROJECT.log
 -lll, --log=3  Log once every norm computation to PROJECT.log

Input files:
PROJECT.mat     Matrix     Lattice basis (can be provided instead of matrix)
PROJECT.rhs     Right hand side
PROJECT.rel     Relations (<, >, =)
PROJECT.sign    Sign of columns (optional)      Lower bounds of columns (optional)
PROJECT.ub      Upper bounds of columns (optional)

Backup files:
PROJECT.backup  Backup file
PROJECT.backup~ Temporary backup file
                (if it exists, it may be newer than PROJECT.backup)

Output files:
PROJECT.zinhom  Inhomogeneous part of the solution
PROJECT.zhom    Homogeneous part of the solution
PROJECT.zfree   Free part of the solution
PROJECT.maxnorm Vectors with maximum norm (if -m, --maxnorm is in use)